Creativity and Motherhood: What gives?

Listening to podcasts while I run is one of my favorite things. It helps the miles roll by, and I have also felt on many occasions that God talks to me in these moments of solitude. On my latest run, I heard an excellent podcast that really helped me in an area I have been struggling with. With all of the new things I have been doing, like writing and illustrating, I sometimes have felt like I am in some way taking away from my family as I spend more time on my pursuits. My creativity at this particular point in time is exploding, but how does that balance with my role as wife and mother?

This podcast was an episode of the Living Easy podcast with Lindsey Maestas. If you would like to listen, I will link here. It is just 30 minutes, and I really enjoyed it! Lindsey was talking to the author, Ashlee Gadd, of “Create Anyway: The Joy of Pursuing Creativity in the Margins of Motherhood,” which I haven’t read, but may after listening to this! I so enjoyed the author’s perspective of creativity, and how it benefits our families as well as ourselves.

Creativity is not selfish

One of my favorite thoughts from the podcast was when the author said, “I hope that after reading this book women would stop viewing creativity as something selfish and more as something that can actually contribute not only their own wellbeing, but to the wellbeing of their families. When a mom… pours intention and time into doing what makes her feel alive, that abundance spills out into her family.” And, “when we are pursuing our God given creative gifts, it benefits those around us.”

I have often talked about how running is one way I find balance in my life, but another way I find balance is through my creative side. I have always enjoyed creating, mostly by doing artwork. As a child I filled sketchbooks with pictures of horses, princesses, or interesting faces. Right now, I am blessed to be able to use this God-given interest to illustrate the children’s books my mom has been writing. What a fun and sweet thing my mom and I have been able to do together! This, and also recently with my own writing, I’ve seen my creative side flow, all while still trying to be a mother.

A season for everything

But all this happened so recently! I must say that since having my kids, my creativity really plummeted. The ideas just weren’t there. I think this is partly due to mom brain, but also because it is true that our goals and focuses change when we become mothers. When we have to do everything for our young children, it leaves a lot less room for personal creativity. Is that bad? No! There is a season for everything, and I wouldn’t trade moments with my babies for anything. What feels like forever won’t last forever. But now that my youngest just turned two, and he can do more on his own, I have more time to be creative. How I’ve enjoyed it! My brain has suddenly gone from 0 to 60, and I have so many ideas I am so excited about!

While I do try to do most of my work while my children are sleeping, at times I have felt mom guilt over the time I spend working on books or blogs. Interestingly enough, while my daughter does sometimes ask when I will be done, sometimes she will jump right up beside me on the bench and start creating herself. While I was working on “Grandparent on the Way,” my daughter illustrated a whole series of jellyfish which she put into a book called “Jellyfish on the Way.” She was so proud of the time and work she put into that book that she wanted me to share it with everyone.

Treasure the process

And as I think about my new hopes and dreams, isn’t that what creativity is all about? Instead of wondering how many books we will sell, or how much money we will make, or how my posts will be received, or how this may take away from my family, why can’t I be more like my daughter and enjoy creating just for the pure joy of it? Why can’t I use what God has given me simply for his glory? Ashlee Gadd said, “We are really called to just be obedient. We are not called to be a huge success in the world or to seek out fame, or to make something perfect. We have these grandiose expectations of what it even looks like to take a step forward when really God is just calling us to get out of the boat and take a step forward in faith. Get out of the boat and take a step toward him.”

So whether you are a new mom trying to figure out just how much of yourself you will have to sacrifice, or whether you are a mom of three with no extra time to yourself, I challenge you to think about what makes you you. How has God instilled his creativity in you? How can you bring beauty into the world through your creations? Whether it is through art, writing, gardening, music, photography, baking, or running, find some time to pursue these things that make you you. And if this is a tough season? “No matter what we are creating, we are ultimately creating life, memories, and joy for our families.” Motherhood is the utmost way we create, so in the middle of it all, let’s not take that lightly! Keep going, mama, even when it seems tough, and create anyway.